Sagittaria sagittifolia


Arrowhead is an evergreen and perennial plant that grows entirely or partially in water. Its root fruits grow on lace-like growths. A thin three-sided stem filled with air-filled tissue, which tends to grow 20-110cm tall. The shape of the leaf varies according to the environment in which it grows. Underwater leaves are narrow and elongated, and up to 120cm long. Floating leaves have a broad ovate surface, above-water leaves are on long petioles, and the leaf resembles an arrowhead in shape.

Spike-like inflorescences appear in the above-water part of the plant in mid-June. The plant is pollinated by insects, after which fruits, seeds with "noses" are formed, which are sown with the help of a stream of water.

The fruits of Arrowhead are harvested in early spring or fall. Root fruits are cleaned, washed in running water, cut into rounds and left to dry in the fresh air. When the root fruits are dried, they are stored in a cool place. If you want to get ordinary arrowroot flour, the root fruits are dried in an oven and then ground. For medicinal purposes, Arrowhead leaves or an extract obtained from them are used.

Arrowhead rhizomes contain <35% starch, 10% protein, 3% sugar, 0.5% fat, as well as steroids and tannins. The leaves contain flavonoids (in the hydrolyzate: homoorientin, orientin, scoparin, isoscoparin), the seeds contain carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose. The plant is rich in B group vitamins as well as mineral elements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and copper.

Medicinal significance

The medicinal properties of the ordinary bulletin are related to the chemical composition. Apart from vitamins and minerals, the plant also contains a large amount of starch. Scientists have proven that plants with a large amount of starch normalize digestion, have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs in case of ulcers, help regulate blood sugar levels and maintain anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, antitumor and antifungal activity of the extract of this plant has also been determined.

In folk medicine, this plant is used against rabies, and the leaves of the plant are still, nowadays, used for rosacea inflammation, as an astringent and healing agent. Thanks to the tannins contained in Arrowhead , it is effective in stopping bleeding. Decoctions of leaves treat fungal and infectious skin diseases.

Not recommended for use

It is not recommended to use this plant during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to give to children. It is also not desirable in case of obesity, diabetes and individual intolerance.

Importance of food

The plant's root gums, which are harvested in late autumn, and rhizomes are used for food. The rhizomes are eaten boiled or fried. Gums are also eaten, but they can also be eaten fresh. Gums can also be prepared for the winter by cutting them into slices and drying them.

Diet recipes

In many countries of the world, the ordinary bulletin is also used in cooking. The root fruit has a very similar composition to our usual potato, only the regular potato has twice as much starch and five times as much protein.

After heat treatment, the fruits of Arrowhead resemble fried edible chestnuts, it goes well with meat dishes, it can also be used as an independent dish. Root fruit flour is useful not only for baking bread, but also as a thickener for jellies and jellies. Tasty and nutritious porridge is made from these root fruits.

Roasted Arrowhead fruit

Bake the fruits of the arrow root in the oven on a plate or in a fire, use them warm, removing the thin skin.

Arrowhead fruit porridge

Fresh root fruits are boiled in salted water for 5 minutes, peeled, passed through a meat grinder. Add 1 glass of milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar to 200 gr of puree and cook until the required consistency.

Arrowhead fruit flour

Washed Arrowhead fruits are cut into lobules and dried in the sun, finished drying in an oven and then ground.