

The Redshank is an annual plant, up to 30-60 cm tall. The stem is erect, bare, branched, red, raised in the lower part. Unlike other lichens, the stem nodes of the Redshank are not constricted. Leaves (length 3-10cm) with a tuft at the base, the leaves are arranged alternately, lanceolate, pointed with a wedge-shaped base, often with dark spots. The upper side of the leaves is green, the lower side is gray-green.

Turzites firmly cover the stem and are covered with hairs. The flowers are small, collected in dense spike-like inflorescences (1-3 cm long), which are located at the ends of the stems. The flower is pinkish-reddish, rarely white. Blooms from July to September.

For medicinal purposes, the plant is harvested in its flowering phase. By cutting off the surface part, without the lower, rough leaves. When harvesting, it is preferable to leave a few plants in the stand and not to cut them all, because then the plant will die in that place. It dries in the shade, but it is recommended to dry it in forced dryers at a temperature of 40-50C. Slow drying will turn the plant black. Storage time 2 years. The plant has no smell as such, but the taste is bitter.

The medicinal value of the plant is related to the flavonoids contained in it (up to 2.3%): avicularin, rutin, quercetin, hyperoside, hyperin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol, 3-galactoside kaempferol, cyanidin-3-rutinoside. The surface part of the plant also contains essential oils (0.05%), tannins (1.5%), phlobaphenes, pectin substances (up to 5%), organic acids (gallic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, butyric acid, malic acid), sitosterol, persilbene, synapsic acid , wax, sugar, mucilage, vitamins K and C, macro and micro elements (accumulates copper, zinc, selenium), anthraquinone compounds in the roots.

Medicinal significance

Preparations Redshank increase blood thickness and blood clotting, strengthen the contraction of the uterus and intestines. Used orally, as a poultice, liquid extract to stop uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, reduce inflammation and as a bactericidal agent.

Redshank preparations act as diuretics and mild laxatives. Therefore, the preparations of Redshank are effective for the treatment of long-term atonic, spastic, proctogenic constipation, as well as for the treatment of heart and kidney diseases.

Preparations of Redshank also affect the pituitary gland, so they can be used to treat problems of the endocrine system.

Herbal preparations can be used for no more than 10 days. When using this plant for a longer period, it should definitely be mixed with plants that thin the blood, such as yellow clover, clover, chestnut flowers, etc.

In folk medicine, extracts of this plant are used orally to treat hemorrhoids and externally - in sitz baths. Externally, it can also be prepared in the form of applications in case of rheumatism, which will have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. With the setting, you can rinse the oral cavity, treat angina, sore throats and purulent wounds.

The plant setting is also used in gynecology, to stop uterine bleeding caused by hormonal disorders or uterine fibromatosis. It can also be used for rinsing in case of colitis.

A decoction of Redshank is effective in diarrhea, as well as to strengthen the mucous membrane of the gums. It can also be successfully used in baths in case of allergic dermatoses (including eczema), psoriasis and scabies.

In the medicine of different peoples, this plant is used to treat various tumors. The fresh plant is used for the treatment of gout, radiculitis, headache and wounds - externally.

Not recommended for use

Since this herb promotes rapid blood clotting and thickening, this herb is not recommended for people suffering from thrombophlebitis. This plant should also not be used during pregnancy, as well as in case of diarrhea, as well as if there are problems with the kidneys or bladder. Of course, even if you are allergic to this plant.