rough Horsetail
Equisetum hyemale


Rough Horsetail is a plant with a vertical, branched root. The stems reach a height of 60 (rarely 100 cm). The plant is perennial (evergreen), with upright, round and hollow stems. The stem has an average diameter of 10 mm. One spike at the top of the stem, oval, pointed, 10-15mm long.

Spores are released in spring.

The above-ground part of the plant is harvested throughout the summer. Dry in the fresh air on sieves or hang in a shady and well-ventilated place. The drug can be stored in paper bags for up to 2 years.

Alkaloid nicotine, equisite, etc., vitamin C and carotene, dimethylsulfone, essential oil, resins, mucilage, ferulic acid and silicic acid are found in the plant. Macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, aluminum, nickel, boron and iodine.

Medicinal significance

Rough Horsetail is a plant with medicinal properties, which contains many valuable substances. One of the most valuable substances is considered silicic acid, which is in a rare, soluble form. It allows the plant to use horseradish preparations for the treatment of joint inflammations, as diuretics, in cases of heartburn, cystitis and urethritis. Rough Horsetail normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body, helps remove excess cholesterol, heavy metal salts and other toxic compounds from the body.

Rough Horsetail , together with field horseradish, is often used to treat hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, joint rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, respiratory diseases, gallstones, internal bleeding, edema of various origins.

Using this plant shows good results in dysentery and tuberculosis.

Rough Horsetail is also used in hair care, silicon accumulates at the hair roots, nourishing them and promoting their growth - this is an excellent remedy to fight baldness.

Plant preparations stimulate the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands and have a cytostatic effect, so it is often used for the treatment of various dermatoses - eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, red scabies, even malignant tumors of the uterus.

Good anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and strengthening properties of wintergreen horseradish are shown in the treatment of furunculosis and seborrhea.

In folk medicine, decoctions of this plant are used as a diuretic to remove kidney stones, to treat joint rheumatism, bladder diseases, urinary incontinence, hematuria, chronic urethritis, hemorrhoids, excessively strong menstruation, as a means to stop bleeding. This remedy is also used as a diaphoretic in case of tuberculosis.

Rough Horsetail is used to treat uterine cancer, jaundice, diarrhea and as an appetite stimulant.

The above-ground part of the plant is used for pharmacological purposes. The plant is poisonous. The plant has diuretic, astringent, bleeding-stopping and blood pressure-lowering properties.

Most often, wintergreen is used to treat the urinary bladder and kidneys, also as a hemostatic agent (for hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding and other internal bleeding), pain reliever, diaphoretic and expectorant.

Wintergreen blackcurrant is recommended for use in case of congestion caused by poor blood circulation, it has a beneficial effect, heart edema, edema, stomach and liver tumors, intestinal disorders.

Preparations based on wintergreen horsetail are also successfully used in case of various respiratory problems: tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy. They perfectly relieve headaches, restore appetite.

The surface part of the plant is used to stop various types of bleeding - uterus, intestines, stomach, nose, lungs, etc

Rough Horsetail is also used to treat dermatological problems. Wounds, ulcers and boils are treated with its juice. Its decoction is used in the bath to prevent rheumatic pains, eczema, dermatitis, gynecological inflammations.

Not recommended for use

Rough Horsetail t should be avoided in case of acute inflammation of the kidneys, as well as for people who cannot tolerate the components of this plant. Before using this plant, it is advisable to consult a specialist and determine its dosage accurately.

When this plant is overdosed, it can have a toxic effect on the body and cause poisoning, as well as an allergic reaction.