
The cap is 5-8 cm tall and up to 8 cm in diameter, yellowish-rusty, yellowish-brown, light brown, grayish, grayish-brown (it gets darker when watered and gets old). The cap of the mushroom is round or ovoid, hollow and along the edge has grown on the stem. The surface of the cap is wrinkled, cellular. The pulp is waxy, white, soft, fragile, with a pleasant aroma and smell.

The leg is 3-9cm high, 1-3cm in diameter, hollow (the cavity is shared with the cap), cylindrical, slightly expanded in the lower part, whitish, yellowish or brownish, often with vertical veins at the base.

Found in different types of forests, rotting soil, often in burns, sandy and mossy places, forest edges, roadsides, ditch slopes and clearings. The common plover appears in April and can be seen until June. In rare cases, if there is a warm autumn, it can appear again in September-October.

The common morel is a mushroom with a rich chemical composition, it is especially true for trace elements: Ag, Al, As, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb , Se, Sr and Zn. But there are quite a lot of other valuable substances that you can see in the tables!

The medicinal properties of the morel are related to the polysaccharides (galactomannans, glucose, rhamnose, n-acetyl-glucosamines) contained in their composition, one might even say rare. These compounds improve metabolic processes in the visual apparatus, strengthen the visual muscle, and help protect the lens of the eye from "clouding". Thanks to these properties, extracts of the common morel are used to fight against cataracts, glaucoma, nearsightedness and farsightedness. Also, the preparations of this mushroom are very useful for people whose daily life is associated with high strain on the eyes, for example, long-term work with a computer.

What else can morel be used for?


  • Increase the amount of gastric juice and increase metabolism;
  • Activated insulin secretion;
  • Stabilized blood pressure;
  • Improved metabolism in cells and tissues;
  • Increased blood circulation, removal of toxins and waste products from the body;
  • Increased lactation;
  • Restoring the function of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Normalized water-salt balance;
  • Reduce toxicosis;
  • Improve brain function.
  • Reduce inflammatory processes in muscle and vertebral tissues.
  • Increase sputum output!

Common morel are also used externally. Prepares various preparations with the help of which joint diseases are treated.

Morel should not be used:

  • In case of diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, pancreonecrosis, cyst);
  • Acute pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis, liver failure);
  • Reduced blood clotting:
  • Age up to 5 years;
  • Individual intolerance.

A special note that will come in handy!

Morel are dried exclusively in the fresh air, without forced drying! The total drying process will take 90 days and no less. Of course, the mushrooms will dry faster, but they will continue to air for 90 days. When they dry, pack them in a breathable container (cardboard box, cloth bag, etc.) and put them in a dry place. After 90 days, you can grind it into a powder and make your desired extracts or use it in powder form.

You can store dried morel for up to 3 years.