Nardus stricta L.

werewolf floor


A Mat-grass is a small plant. The leaves are narrow (<1cm), bristle-shaped, all bent at the same level. Inflorescence spike-like - 3-6 mm long and 7-10 mm wide, flat, one-sided. Flowers small, bisexual, anemophilic. The fruit is a grain. Blooms in June-July.

The above-ground part of the plant, including the flowers, is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is harvested during flowering. Dry in well-ventilated areas, in the shade, frequently stirring the material to be dried. Store the drug in paper bags, in dry rooms. 

The chemical composition of Mat-grass is unexplored. Like most cereals, it is rich in silicon dioxide and traces of essential oils.

Medicinal significance

Similarly, the chemical composition and medicinal properties are little studied. This herb is known to reduce a feverish condition, normalize breathing in case of digestive overload, as well as when you are in an irritating environment for a long time, for example, when climbing mountains. In addition, this herb is known as a fever reducer.

In folk medicine, the Mat-grass is used to reduce fever and temperature. The positions are used to get rid of a feverish condition, and it also helps to remove the feeling of fatigue in the legs, after long hikes, makes breathing easier, in case of heavy loads.

Not recommended for use

Since the plant has been little studied, its use is not recommended at all!