pedunculate Oak

After reading this article, please do not try to peel living and strong oaks, but collect the bark in fellings, from some broken branches and the like!

The oak is a tree that can grow to a height of 20-30m, with a strong and deep tap root system. The color of the bark of young shoots is olive-brown, with years it becomes silvery gray, and already on old trees it will become dark brown-gray - covered with deep wrinkles.

Oak leaves are arranged alternately on short petioles, tuftedly lobed, inverted oval (7-15 cm long, with exceptions), with "ears" at the base. Lobes unequal, entire, usually dull.

The flowers are bisexual, but flowers of both sexes develop on the same tree. The fruit of the oak tree is an acorn, brownish-yellow in color. The plant blooms at the moment when its leaves begin to flourish, April-May, but this only happens from the age of 40-60. The fruits ripen at the end of September - beginning of October. Oak is a strong lover of light and it will not grow in any soil. In good soil and conditions, oak grows relatively quickly and lives for several hundreds of years.

The bark of young trees and branches is used for medicinal purposes. The peel is harvested at a time that half coincides with the budding moment. Leaves and acorns are also used for medicinal purposes.

Oak bark contains 10-20% tannins, organic acids (gallic acid and ellagic acid), pectins, sugars, flabophene, pentosans, flavone compounds - quercetin. Acorns contain starch 40%, tannins 5-8% and proteins, sugars, vegetable fats 5%. Quercetin, tannins and pentosans in the leaves.

Medicinal significance

The complex of substances contained in the bark of the oak has a strengthening, astringent, immunostimulating, antacid, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The main effect of oak is associated with the presence of tannins (group of pirogals), which interact with proteins, forming a protective layer, protecting tissues from exposure to them. Tanning substances denature the protoplasmic proteins of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their development.

In folk medicine, bark decoctions are used against diarrhea, scurvy, poisoning with mushrooms and heavy metals, liver and spleen diseases, kidney inflammation and gastritis. The decoction is used to rinse the mouth in case of angina and to strengthen the gums. This decoction can be used to rinse festering wounds and treat hair diseases.

Oak bark preparations have good astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-congestion properties. The tannins in oak bark have a destructive effect on the pathogenic microflora, remove inflammation and create a small protective layer on the top layer of the skin.

Bark decoctions are used to treat pharyngitis, angina, skin diseases, stomatitis, and burns. Also, this decoction is used in foot baths to reduce leg sweating!

Oak bark is used as an ingredient in mixtures for rinsing - in case of uterine erosion, prolapse of the uterus, prolapse of the uterine walls, vulvovaginitis, trichomonaditis and colitis!

The most common diseases that are treated using oak bark:

  • erosion,
  • hernias,
  • ulcers,
  • diathesis,
  • eczema,
  • dermatitis,
  • acne,
  • angina,
  • gastritis
  • burns,
  • effusions,
  • stomatitis,
  • frostbite,
  • colitis,
  • vaginitis.

Not recommended for use

It is not recommended to use oak preparations during pregnancy and lactation. Children under the age of 12 are not treated with oak. The remedies of this tree are not used if a person is suffering from constipation.